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DECSY's Non-violent Action: A Force for Change Shop

DECSY promotes Global Learning: an approach to education that increases understanding of complex global issues, such as world poverty, conflict, climate change, migration and thinking about how to create a better world. Please fill in this evaluation form before July 7th: https://forms.gle/ejLzFdDw1o6XsDt39 if you would like the chance to win £100 worth of resources.

DECSY promotes Global Learning: an approach to education that increases understanding of complex global issues, such as world poverty, conflict, climate change, migration and thinking about how to create a better world. Please fill in this evaluation form before July 7th: https://forms.gle/ejLzFdDw1o6XsDt39 if you would like the chance to win £100 worth of resources.
NVAFC: Welsh Case Studies

NVAFC: Welsh Case Studies

The Welsh Centre for International Affairs (WCIA) have researched and added 11 Welsh case studies from WWI up until today, which can be used to look at issues such as conscientious objection in time of war; campaigning for peace; racism and the anti-apartheid campaign in Wales; action for language equality; and campaigning for sustainability and to raise awareness of the climate emergency. These materials are ideal for Peace Schools looking to integrate examples of Welsh Peacemakers into their curriculum to inspire young people and support them in developing the skills to become critical and active peacemakers themselves.
NVAFC Case Study: WW2 White Rose Movement

NVAFC Case Study: WW2 White Rose Movement

These lessons use the case study of The White Rose Movement as an example of how German people resisted Nazism. Following a consideration of the nature of democracy and dictatorship, learners piece together the story of Sophie and Hans Scholl using historical sources (photographs and campaign leaflets) and consider whether they are supporters or critics of Nazism. Learners are asked to consider whether the White Rose Movement could be considered as a success or failure and whether we should focus on individual heroes/heroines in movements for change.